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Happy New Year 2014
Happy New Year 2014 :D
God give us a new book, named 2014. There are 365 pages on it. And 24 lines every pages
He wants us to fullfil those lines, those pages with good deeds such as serve Him, help others, learn more etc
and He also wants us to fullfil that book with good memories
You decide what memories, what good deeds that you wanna make for those 365 chapters :D
I have resolution for this year
And many more which is I can't tell :D
What's yours?
Happy birthday to our saviour, Jesus Christ.
May the spirit of Christmas bring all of you peace and may the warmth of Christmas grant you love
Merry Christmas everybody
Every year my friend always ask me where I celebrate Christmas. Every year I answer nowhere. Just in my home, and maybe some place in Jakarta. But still I never celebrate it in overseas or maybe out of town, like ever...... *taylor swift mode: on*
And on d-day I went to church with my daddy. By the way, I had holy communion this year for the first time! yes, it's my first time if I'm not mistaken *ohhhh judge me, Sinner*. I got clueless about it so I saw people beside me and follow her hihi
I love to see huge, a verrrryyy huge christmas tree. So, Santa listen.. I wish someday I will celebrate Christmas in out of town or overseas and see a very very huge Christmas tree with my beloved ones.
I surrender it to you, the Sovereign Father in Heaven. Whatever your plan ^^
SO WHAT? //~
Udah 4 tahun punya blog. Udah namu ke banyak blog orang lain, alias blogwalking.
Selama 4 tahun ini blog cuma sebagai personal diary, random information sama tugas softskill. Maunya kayak blog yang saya kunjungi. Yang punya 1 tema tulisan di blognya.
Kayak travel blognya mba Trinity dari, atau fashion blog Diana Rikasari dari, atau beauty blognya Stella Lee dari
Mereka bisa menghasilkan dari nge-blog.
Mau jadi travel blogger tapi masa iyaa isinya nanti cuma tempat-tempat di Jakarta doang.
Mau jadi beauty blogger tapi ummm hanya bisa no-make up make up LOL
Mau jadi food blogger tapi terlalu picky untuk makanan
Dan gw berpikir mungkin ada hal lain yang bisa dibikin jadi blog.
Sesuatu itu harus dalam jumlah yang banyak. Iya lah ya?! Supaya bisa ditulis tiap saat. Dan sesuatu itu harus diperluin orang banyak.
Kemudian gw berpikir gw akan menulis tentang software!! Gw kan anak Sistem Informasi (cieee~). Yak! karena android lagi ngetrend. Gw akan install Bluestack. Ituloh, software supaya android bisa jalan di PC biasa. Gw nanya temen yang udah install. Man! Ga sesuai sama spec laptop gw. Dipikir-pikir spec laptop ga kece-kece amat, mau software apaa cobaa yg direview.
Atau aplikasi android?? *Beli S4 dulu kali maaa* geez....
Bentar, coba jangan jauh-jauh. Gw akan menulis tentang bra. YES! bra alias BH. Kan banyak dan itu penting banget! Gw akan menulis: Jadi setelah gw coba bra merk X, ternyata kawatnya kekecengan. Atau: kalau merk Y itu cup kirinya agak mencong.
Ah ga kece cing!
Atau rokok?? Haruskah gw menulis tentang rokok? Pasti penghasilannya gede. SPG rokok aja dibayar mahal. Iya penghasilan gw gede tapi pengeluaran gw lebih gede untuk biaya berobat kanker dan penyakit lainnya.
Mungkin obat???
Berarti gw harus sakit dulu dong? Ah ga bener itu
Trus apa dong yaa?! Atau biarin jadi personal diary aja?!
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
All of sudden we decide to TMII due to we finish class early. And because TMII is not so far from our campus sooo yeah why not?!
Just in case you have any clue about TMII, I tell you first. TMII is stand for Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Or in English, it means miniature of Indonesia. You can find 'anjungan' (traditional building) from all of province in Indonesia. You can also find foods, crafts etc which is originally from Indonesia. There are also museums on there. TMII is located in East Jakarta.
We went to Anjungan from West Sumatera. So here we are in front of West Sumatera Anjungan:
BUNNY !! |
They afraid of the bunny -____- You know, we forced them to took a picture with the bunny LOL. They were shaking at the moment. |
We had a 'nasi padang' for our lunch hihi....after that, we went to Chinese park (I'm sorry, I forget what is exactly the place). But it's Chinese culture park. Chinese is a part from Indonesia hehe....a lot of Chinese in here.
You know that figures?? It's character from Sun Go Kong tv series. Hendra said that it represent characterictic of human, Arrogant (Sun Go Kong), Idiocy (Wu Ching) and Lust (Cu Pat Kay). |
Right to left (Rezah, Jatnika, Hendra, Rina, Muti, Komang, and me) |
Saranghae~~ |
The boys.... |
Mine is the pink with brown bow ones :D
It's about 5 p.m when we took this picture. So, this is the last picture before we back home.
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