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FAB - Fashion Against Bullying
Berpakaian merupakan hal yang biasa yang dilakukan setiap saat tapi tidak di kalangan anak muda. Anak muda jaman sekarang seperti dituntut untuk berpakaian 'semestinya'. Dalam artian, harus berpakaian sama seperti orang-orang kebanyakan. Sebagai contoh, ketika kebanyakan mahasiswa di kampusmu menggunakan celana model skinny namun kalian lebih memilih celana jenis cut-bray atau harem. Sepanjang perjalanan menuju kelashingga sampai di kelas pastinya akan memperhatikanmu, mengeluarkan komentar-komentar yang tidak enak didengar seperti: jadul lo! dan berujung kepada pengucilan. Teman-teman jadi males hang-out sama kamu. Karena ga tahan, akhirnya kamu memakai celana skinny yang sebenarnya kamu ga nyaman memakainya.
Sedih yaa...padahal dalam hal berpakaian pun harus adanya kebebasan, kebebasan mengekspresikan diri. Dan juga adanya rasa nyaman.
Jika contoh diatas pernah kamu alami berarti kamu mengalami fashion bullying. Ternyata ada banyak yang mengalaminya, Untuk itu pada tanggal 15 Juni 2012 diluncurkanlah FAB (Fashion Against Bullying, sebuah kampanye untuk membantu generasi muda dalam belenggu keterbatasan untuk mengeksplore gaya berpakaian.
Jangan dengarkan mereka yang mencemooh gayamu, jangan biarkan mereka mendikte apa yang harus kamu pakai. Setiap orang berbeda, itulah yang menjadikan kamu pribadi yang unik.
Tunjukkan bahwa kamu peduli untuk melawan fashion bullying!
follow: @supportfab
facebook: FAB
Bday wishlist
So, how's your day bloggie?? That was nice or not?? Oh, whatever happened remember God always be with you. Amen for that.
I thank God, He always gives his bless day by day until this month. Although, i have a final exam i can't stop myself to blogwalking as often as i can...hehehe. And oh! I admit that if I'm so yesterdaaaaaay person, I just known Evita Nuh from The creme de la Crop nowadays. Such a cool kid! Actually, I have opened her blog but I don't know why, I don't realize she is very fashionable, smart, unique kid. So, I read her old post until her fistr post. Some people say she is the tavi gevinson from Indonesia hahaha...
Anyway, next month is my birthmonth :DDD do you know the date?? yes, it's 1st of August. I've counting down in my twitter LOL and tweet what I want for my birthday. Wish my follower kindly give all the things to me :P
Here the list:
1. Neon yellow cambridge satchel bag
Really really craving for this bag!!!!! *drooling
2. Stella red, UP shoes...with size 38 :P just info hehehe
3. And books: Young on top, Sepatu Dahlan, Travel love and Yotsuba comics all series
I thank God, He always gives his bless day by day until this month. Although, i have a final exam i can't stop myself to blogwalking as often as i can...hehehe. And oh! I admit that if I'm so yesterdaaaaaay person, I just known Evita Nuh from The creme de la Crop nowadays. Such a cool kid! Actually, I have opened her blog but I don't know why, I don't realize she is very fashionable, smart, unique kid. So, I read her old post until her fistr post. Some people say she is the tavi gevinson from Indonesia hahaha...
Anyway, next month is my birthmonth :DDD do you know the date?? yes, it's 1st of August. I've counting down in my twitter LOL and tweet what I want for my birthday. Wish my follower kindly give all the things to me :P
Here the list:
1. Neon yellow cambridge satchel bag
Really really craving for this bag!!!!! *drooling
2. Stella red, UP shoes...with size 38 :P just info hehehe
3. And books: Young on top, Sepatu Dahlan, Travel love and Yotsuba comics all series
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